Media releases

In 2021, St Joseph’s College, Toowoomba’s Student Engagement Team is rolling out two significant initiatives that are designed to maximise attendance, positive behaviour, achievement and safety of all students.
The first of these is ‘The Joey’s Way’; a framework that provides staff and students with a set of four values and twelve imperatives that help all to live their lives successfully.
Image of framework attached.
“We know, that if this framework is left simply as a poster on the wall, it will have sub optimal impact on our students’ learning,” said Joseph Cryle, Assistant Principal: Student Engagement.
“In short, if we are going to expect our students to live this way, we must teach them how to do it. The Joey’s Way Curriculum is delivered each morning between 8.30am and 9.00am by a team of Joey’s Way teachers. Joey’s Way time is a way of taking the great relationships that students have developed in these classes (formerly known as ‘Pastoral Care’) and using those relationships to build capacity around the building blocks of great learning,” said Mr Cryle.
“All of the curriculum is explicitly linked to the Personal and Social Capabilities set out in the Australian Curriculum. Some examples of these building blocks include goal setting, time management, empathy, career awareness, gratitude, health diet and sleep and cyber safety. We are extremely confident that if our students can work hard on the building blocks of their learning, then success, be it academic, vocational, sporting, cultural or service-oriented, will naturally follow.