Media releases
Roma’s newest Kindergarten opens its door to more than 30 students

St John’s Catholic School in Roma was abuzz with excitement this week as the inaugural group of kindergarten students and their parents checked in at the brand new facility.
The kindergarten which has been established by Toowoomba Catholic Schools through a partnership with Centacare Brisbane, offers a play-based education program for children three days a week as they approach formal schooling.
Executive Director: Catholic Schools, Dr Pat Coughlan said he was delighted to see the new Kindy operational and thanked parents for beginning their child’s journey in a Catholic school.
“St John’s is the largest of our 31 schools across the Diocese. We are especially pleased that we can now offer parents world class education from kindergarten right through until Year 12 here at St John’s,” Dr Coughlan said.
St John’s Catholic School Principal Donaugh Shirley said the new kindy and associated Outside School Hours Care service had been very well received by the Roma community.
“The need for an additional kindergarten in Roma was identified some years ago and so it’s wonderful to see St John’s kindy is today a reality.
“Our kindergarten teacher Ela Dale, had previously worked on staff here at St John’s and I can certainly vouch for her enthusiasm and commitment to her role as the inaugural teacher at the Kindy“ Mrs Shirley said.
“We are also very excited to be able to offer our St John’s families Outside School Hours Care for all primary school students at the new kindy facility,” Mrs Shirley concluded.
Janette Nicoll, Manager, Organisational Strategic & Service Support with Centacare Child Care Services, the group charge with operating the kindergarten on behalf of Toowoomba Catholic Schools, is very pleased with student numbers so far.
“We have more than 30 students enrolled across the two groups which we are very happy about.
“There is still capacity to cater for more children and I encourage parents to come and meet the dynamic team and see the excellent kindy facility we have here at St John’s.” Ms Nicoll said.
For more information about enrolling your child for kindergarten in 2018 or 2019, contact Ela Dale on 0408426 138.