Media releases
Catholic Education Week 2020 – Spirit of Catholic Education Awards

Congratulations to all the Spirit of Catholic Education Awards (SOCE) nominees for 2020. There was a record number of nominations this year, 214 in Queensland with a total of 48 in our Diocese.
These awards are presented annually in conjunction with Catholic Education Week to recognise individuals or teams making an outstanding contribution to Catholic education in Queensland. This year’s recipient was Jacinta Jensen, a school counsellor at Good Samaritan College, Toowoomba.
“Jacinta’s focus on each young person’s development and growth from when they enter the College to the moment they transition and beyond is untiring,” said her nominator for this year’s award, Liisa Hammond, Principal of Good Samaritan College.
“She designs and delivers social and emotional developmental programs that are effective in growing these skills in our young people and is highly responsive to their needs working with numerous outside agencies to ensure that the services required by each student and their families are met. She coordinates everything from health to accommodation, financial and educational services. She advises the students and their families of the support available to them and empowers them to gain the skills and knowledge required to thrive.”
Jacinta also spends her own time constructing and delivering food hampers, clothing and furnishings to those in need.
“Good Samaritan College would not be the success it is, without Jacinta's support, insight and willingness to always do more for those in the community,” said Liisa.
“Jacinta is a great example of the spirit of Catholic education in our College.”
Dr Patrick Coughlan, Executive Director: Catholic Schools announced Jacinta as the award recipient at the College’s Catholic Education Week celebrations. Jacinta will attend the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Excellence Awards dinner later this year where she will be presented with her award.
The following people are the 2020 SOCE Award nominees for the Toowoomba Diocese. Congratulations everyone!
Nominee | School/Workplace | ||
Pollyanna | Crawford | Sacred Heart Primary School | Cunnamulla |
Cara | Haigh | Sacred Heart Primary School | Cunnamulla |
Deborah | Callaghan | Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office | Toowoomba |
Nicola | Crank | Mater Dei Primary School | Toowoomba |
Deidre | Murray | St Mary's School | Charleville |
Jacinta | Willocks | Our Lady of the Southern Cross College | Dalby |
Kellie | Pritchard | Mater Dei Primary School | Toowoomba |
Katrina | Walton | Our Lady of the Southern Cross College | Dalby |
Katrina | Walton | Our Lady of the Southern Cross College | Dalby |
Chris | Bartlett | Mater Dei Primary School | Toowoomba |
Louise | Pfingst | St Anthony's Primary School | Toowoomba |
Mark | Challen | St Mary's College | Toowoomba |
Thomas (Tommy) | Hunter | Holy Name Primary School | Toowoomba |
John | Parker | St Mary's College | Toowoomba |
Tim | Marsh | St Mary's College | Toowoomba |
Mark | Baker | Assumption College | Warwick |
Bianka | Rookas | St Joseph's Primary School | Chinchilla |
Emily | Whiting | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Emily | Whiting | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Maree | Harman | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Maree | Harman | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Eileen | McKay | St Thomas More's Primary School | Toowoomba |
Charden | Ruge | St Monica's School | Oakey |
Charden | Ruge | St Monica's School | Oakey |
Russell | Fechner | St Thomas More's Primary School | Toowoomba |
Mary | McLucas | St Joseph's School | Stanthorpe |
Kris | Naiker | Mary MacKillop Catholic College | Highfields |
Thomas | Hunter | Toowoomba Catholic Kindergartens and Care | Toowoomba |
Jack | Muller | St Mary's College | Toowoomba |
Cate | Park-Ballay | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Peter | Muscat | Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office | Toowoomba |
Emma | Farrow | St Mary's School | Goondiwindi |
Rebecca | Nystrom | St Thomas More's Primary School | Toowoomba |
Chris | Gabbett | Mary MacKillop Catholic College | Highfields |
Lisa | Cavanagh | St Monica's School | Oakey |
Jacinta | Jensen | Good Samaritan College | Toowoomba |
Marita | Lunney | Good Samaritan College | Toowoomba |
Hannah | Ramsey | Sacred Heart Primary School | Toowoomba |
Deborah | Mischlewski | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Amanda | Wighton | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Therese | Cronin | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Kerrie-Anne | Fellenberg | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Carly | Cooper | Assumption College | Warwick |
Petrina | Edser | St Joseph's College | Toowoomba |
Jennifer | Guild | St Mary's College | Toowoomba |
Rohitha | Jayawardhana | St Mary's College | Toowoomba |
Dorene | Warwick | St Joseph's Primary School | Tara |
Deborah | Murphy | St Thomas More's Primary School | Toowoomba |