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Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Schools

Holy Name Art Show

Holy Name Primary school hosts for the 10th time one of the region’s best examples of children’s artwork

Art is an education medium that helps promote confidence and problem-solving skills in children. On Friday, 2 September, kids from around eight Catholic primary schools will exhibit their artworks at the Holy Name Art Show.As a kid specific art show, the Holy Name Art Show has for the last ten years set a standard in exhibiting artworks from students attending Catholic schools within the Diocese of Toowoomba.Each year the art show provides a theme for students that relates to relevant local, national or international topics. This year the focus for the art show is ‘We are Australians’ and is linked to Josh Arnold’s ‘Walk Together’ project. Focusing on cultural diversity and acceptance.Mrs Kathy Bliss, Principal of Holy Name Primary School, said, “This year’s theme is a reflection of our school and its students. It is also a snapshot of Toowoomba and the local region. We are a great multicultural, rural and regional centre.“It is important that children today understand and learn to look at situations with wider perspectives. We now live in an ever changing global community,” said, Mrs Bliss.Josh Arnold will be performing on the night along with the Holy Name Primary School choir to open the art show.

Over 150 artworks will be competing for the Grand Champion Trophy with an additional 200 artworks being on display from the students of Holy Name Primary School. This year’s Judge is well known to the art show as she was a judge in 2014.

Maryika Welter, from Art Frenzi, pictured with Kathy Bliss and two students from Holy Name. Art Frenzi sponsors the Major Winner’s prize at the show each year and nominated Maryika as this year’s judge.

As with previous years, a donation will go to St Vincent’s Hospital.Mrs Bliss wanted to acknowledge the art show would not be the success it is if it were not for the sponsors’ time, efforts, in-kind support and donations.  holynameartshow to see more and like us! 

To arrange an interview and photographic opportunity please contact Kathy Bliss on 4632 4694


CONTACT:          Kathy Bliss | Principal Holy Name Primary School | 07 4632 4694 | kathy.bliss@twb.catholic.edu.au